The Revolutionaries Playbook

How To Write Landing Pages That Convert

Trying to write a landing page that converts can feel like navigating a minefield. You know your product or service can make a difference, but capturing that essence in words is another story. 

Which means you are faced with the daunting task of writing in a way that resonates, convinces, and converts. It’s a delicate balance of persuasion and clarity. 

And a landing page that fails to strike a chord with its audience can lead to lost opportunities, wasted time, and a frustrating disconnect between what you offer and what your audience perceives. 

The goal is to craft words that inform AND transform interest into action.

This is where the art and science of creating a well structured landing page with compelling copy comes into play. 

How A Good Landing Page Can Help You

At their core, landing pages are engineered to tap into the specific needs and desires of potential customers, guiding them through a carefully crafted journey towards a singular goal. 

This is done using a blend of persuasive copywriting, visual cues, and user experience design, all of which are grounded in principles of psychology. 

Unlike general websites, landing pages eliminate distractions and hone in on a single message or offer. 

This specificity significantly boosts the effectiveness of your marketing effort and allows you to target specific segments of your audience with tailored messages, increasing relevance and, consequently, engagement.

With them, you can bridge the gap between your offering and the specific needs of your audience. 

3 Landing Page Rules To Follow 

As you start crafting your landing page, here are 3 rules to keep in mind: 

  1. Focus on a Single Product or Offer

This is crucial. A singular focus prevents confusion and helps to guide the visitor’s attention directly to the action you want them to take. 

When a landing page tries to address multiple products or offers, it dilutes the message and reduces the effectiveness of the call to action. By concentrating on one key offering, you ensure clarity and relevance.

  1. Clear and Compelling Call to Action (CTA)

Your CTA is the gateway to conversions. It should be unmistakably clear and compelling. 

Use concise, action-oriented language that leaves no doubt about what you want the visitor to do. The CTA should stand out visually and be placed strategically on the page, ideally above the initial preview before scroll, and repeated where relevant. 

  1. Optimized for User Experience

The user experience (UX) of your landing page is pivotal. It should be intuitive, fast-loading, and visually appealing. 

This means having a responsive design that works seamlessly across different devices and screen sizes, especially mobile. Navigation should be straightforward, with minimal scrolling and intuitive layout. 

Additionally, ensure that your page is accessible, with readable fonts, appropriate color contrasts, and alt text for images. A smooth and enjoyable user experience not only keeps visitors on the page longer but also positively influences their perception of your product and brand.

How To Structure Your Landing Page For Maximum Impact

Now these rules are all good, but I’d like to offer you a nitty-gritty blueprint you can follow when creating your landing page. Here is a structure you can use and tips for each of the elements. 

Keep in mind, some of these sections of a landing page will be relevant to you, and some might not. But when addressing and creating any of these sections, they should quickly and clearly grab the reader’s attention.  


This is the first thing visitors see. Your headline should be compelling and clearly state the unique value proposition of your offer. 

  • Word Count: Keep it under 7 words, ideally.
  • Phrasing: Use powerful, action-oriented language. Clearly state the main benefit or value proposition.
  • Organization: Make it prominent and attention-grabbing. Place it at the top center of the page.


Immediately beneath the headline, the subheadline should provide additional context about the offer, elaborating on the headline in a way that entices the reader to continue down the page.

  • Word Count: Aim for 10-15 words.
  • Phrasing: Complement the headline. Elaborate on the offer in a way that’s enticing but succinct.
  • Organization: Directly beneath the headline, in slightly smaller font.

Hero Image or Video

This visual element should be striking and relevant to your product or service. It serves to visually communicate your offer and engage the visitor’s interest.

  • Content: Choose an image or video that visually represents your product/service and resonates with your target audience.
  • Organization: Immediately visible without scrolling, alongside or just below the headline and subheadline.

Call to Action (CTA)

Your primary CTA should be prominent and clear, encouraging the visitor to take the desired action. It could be placed multiple times on the page – at the top, middle, and bottom.

  • Word Count: No more than 5 words.
  • Phrasing: Use direct, action-oriented language (e.g., “Get Started”, “Download Now”).
  • Organization: Prominently displayed, often as a button in a contrasting color. Place your first CTA above the fold (visible without scrolling) and repeat it at strategic points.

Bonus Tip: Typically these first 3 elements are everything you see when you land on the page before you scroll. Your call to action should be included at the bottom before you begin scrolling then repeated through the page. 

Benefits and Features

Here, outline the key benefits and features of your product or service. Benefits should focus on how the product solves a problem or improves the visitor’s life, while features provide more detailed information about the product.

  • Word Count: 30-50 words per benefit/feature.
  • Phrasing: Focus first on benefits (how it helps the user), followed by features (what it does). Use bullet points for clarity.
  • Organization: List benefits in a hierarchical order of importance. Features can follow afterward in a similar bulleted format.

Social Proof

Incorporate elements of social proof like customer testimonials, reviews, case studies, or trust badges. This builds credibility and trust in your offering.

  • Content: Use authentic testimonials, reviews, or endorsements. Include names, photos, or company logos for added authenticity.
  • Organization: Can be interspersed throughout the page or in a dedicated section after benefits and features.

Lead Capture Form

If the goal is to gather leads, include a form that requests the visitor’s information, like their name, email, etc. Keep it as short and straightforward as possible to increase the likelihood of completion.

  • Word Count: Minimal. Ask only for essential information.
  • Phrasing: Clear, concise labels for each field.
  • Organization: Keep it near the first CTA. Make the form appear approachable, not overwhelming.

Additional Information

If necessary, include additional sections that provide more details about the product or service, such as how it works, the team behind it, FAQs, etc.

  • Word Count: Varies, but keep each section concise.
  • Phrasing: Clear, easy-to-understand language. Break down complex ideas into digestible pieces.
  • Organization: This section should flow logically. Use headings and subheadings to guide the reader.

Closing Argument or Reminder

Towards the bottom, reiterate the main value proposition or include a secondary CTA. This is your final chance to convince the visitor to take action.

  • Word Count: 15-30 words.
  • Phrasing: Reinforce the main value proposition or offer a final persuasive nudge.
  • Organization: Place this near the final CTA, at the bottom of the page.


Include necessary information like contact details, privacy policy, terms of use, and social media links. This shouldn’t distract from the main CTA but provide essential info for those who seek it.

  • Content: Contact information, privacy policy, terms of service, social media links.
  • Organization: Keep it simple and non-intrusive. It’s the last thing people see, so don’t make it distracting.

Bonus Tip: Look at what others in your industry are doing. You don’t have to come up with this strategy from scratch. Check out what is working, look at other landing pages to see what you like and what you don’t. You don’t have to copy these pages, but you can get ideas from them! 

Here are some great examples you can check out. 

10 Tips To Craft Compelling Landing Page Copy 

Now that you understand the sections you’ll need, here are a few tips to remember when crafting converting copy! 

  1. Dive deep into who your audience is. What are their pains, desires, fears, and aspirations? Your copy should speak directly to them, addressing their specific needs and how your product or service can solve their problems.
  2. Your message should be crystal clear. Avoid jargon and complex language. The visitor should immediately understand what you’re offering and why it matters to them.
  3. Your headline is the first, and possibly the only, impression you make on a prospective customer. Make it powerful, benefit-driven, and attention-grabbing.
  4. Don’t just list what your product does; explain how it makes your customer’s life better. How does it solve their problem or fulfill their need?
  5. Social proof is powerful. Include real testimonials from satisfied customers to build trust and credibility.
  6. Use language that encourages immediate action. Phrases like “limited time offer” or “exclusive deal ends soon” can motivate users to act now rather than later.
  7. Break up text with relevant, high-quality images or videos. Ensure the design complements the copy, guiding the reader through the page seamlessly.
  8. Your CTA should stand out and tell users exactly what you want them to do next. Be it “Sign up”, “Buy now”, or “Learn more”, make it clear and compelling.
  9. Avoid clutter. Each landing page should have one specific goal and everything on the page should align with that objective.
  10. Always A/B test different elements of your landing page. What works for one audience might not work for another. Continuously refine your copy based on the data and feedback you receive.

Your landing page should generate the attention your product or service deserves, and these tips will help!

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