Our Process

Our white glove process helps you hone your idea into the diamond it deserves to be. Check out our process:


We host a strategy meeting to determine your message, desired outcome, and the way you seek to influence the reader. We begin with the end in mind, and work our way back from there. Our ultimate goal here is to understand your audience and how we can best speak to them so we can craft a book that resonates. You’ll walk away with a chapter topic outline for your book.


We expand the chapter topic outline, adding what content and stories need to be included in these chapters. This gives us a high level view of the book so we can organize it in a way that makes the most sense for your reader.


We conduct one hour interviews for each chapter and take detailed notes on the content you want within. Here we ask insightful questions, dig into the stories you want to share, and the lessons you’d like to explain to your reader.


We write out all the ideas, stories, and examples into full length chapters. Seamlessly weaving together your stories and lessons into content that is actionable and helpful to your reader. And within each chapter we will be sure to do a tone check to make sure we capture your intended voice.


Most projects have two revision rounds. During the first, we confirm verbiage and voice, ensuring the piece represents your vision. During the second, we fine-tune the details, ensuring adherence to convention and style, and meet the specifications required to go live with the content. Throughout this last step, your project will blossom before your eyes.

Edit & Publish

Once your work is completed, Alliance has editing, cover design, and formatting services available for you! Plus, we can get you in the door with publishers who are interested in your book if you are interested in traditional publishing! Or, refer you to people who can help you with self publishing.
The entirety of our six month process is streamlined and straightforward with the goal of leaving you with an actionable audience growing book you can use for years to come. Please note: cancellations on a signed ghostwriting project require 90 days notice. Any refunds for services occur upon request at Alliance discretion.

If you have any questions about our process, let’s chat.

You break the mold, we’ll handle the writing.
Together, we’ll turn your vision into compelling narratives that shake up the status quo.
Alliance Ghostwriting. Copyright © 2024.
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